The Award Winning Author

Meet Denise Willis: A Beacon of Hope and Empowerment. My journey through over three decades of adversity and abuse culminated in a moment of stark realization and a resolve to change my narrative. From the depths of despair, I found the strength to seek guidance and healing, which transformed my life. Today, my passion lies in empowering other women to reclaim their lives and tap into their inherent personal power.

As a life coach and the founder of Life by Design, based in San Antonio, Texas, I specialize in guiding women through emotional healing and self-discovery. My experiences with toxic relationships have equipped me with profound insights and empathy, making me adept at helping women evolve into the best versions of themselves. My journey also includes overcoming cancer, an experience that has deepened my understanding and ability to coach and support women facing similar challenges.

I believe in the power of sharing and openness. My approach as a coach is not just about imparting knowledge; it’s about sharing my journey, the practices that aided my healing, and being a source of constant encouragement. I am committed to being transparent and accessible, offering my experiences as a roadmap for those seeking a path to healing and self-empowerment.

The Book on Loving Yourself

How to Overcome Adversity and Abuse and Develop Personal Power

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